UX Awards Submission Pitch Video

Know It All is the best way for active adults to find workshops and classes in the Bay Area.

Full Case Study details here.

Video Transcription:

The Bay area has tons of amazing classes and workshops but getting the details can take a ton of time. I wanted to know how I could make that better.

Thousands of users are affected by this and the competitors aren’t doing enough to meet their needs. So I interviewed and surveyed users to find out what was most important to them. I created personas to classify user groups and build empathy for their goals and pain points.

And designed an app called Know It All to meet their needs. Five iterations were designed and user tested to get maximum function into the fewest screens. The final version rocked in usability, and here’s a peek at what it can do:

Welcome to Know It All: the easiest way to find workshops in the bay. Let’s get started.

When you open the app, you can start with a hashtag search if you know exactly what you’re looking for, or you can take a browse through the many wonderful things there are to learn here in the Bay. It’s a good mix of business as well as recreational workshops, because most users say they’re looking for about a 50/50 split.

Right now let’s set this up with just the things you’re interested in learning right now [selections made for Art, Food & Drink, Meditation, and UX/UI]. In your filters you can also tell the app the maximum amount you’re willing to spend, when you’re available, and how far you’re willing to go.

Know It All will keep you in the know by sending you an alert every time a listing that matches your filtering criteria is added to your favorite categories here, but it’s pretty easy to turn that off if you don’t need to be notified about a particular group.

And within a category’s listing, you can sort all of your findings by price, what’s coming up soonest, what’s closest to you, and what’s hot because if that class is filling up soon, we want to make sure that you can save yourself a seat.

Let’s go ahead and get you into a class like this bread one. If you save something to your Favorites, the app will convert it to a to-do list with reminders so you never miss out on something wonderful that you saw here in Know It All. You can also share it to your social media or invite a friend via email. Let’s save that to your favorites, see what’s gonna be involved in this class, and some other things you might like.

Let’s go ahead and find you another great workshop. This one’s free. Add that to your faves, and let's go check that out.

So, here’s your to-do list. It’s gonna remind you — not too many times — but just enough to make sure that you get registered in time and make sure to attend. When you check these off, you can keep track of your progress in your Archived Favorites where all of your completed classes and workshops will be. You can look at those to tell a friend about them or just remember the great things you’ve done.

Here in your Account you can also check out your push notifications for any reminders that you want to get, regarding your favorites or new listings from your categories, or any hashtags that you follow.

This is what your notifications look like. When you have new classes, the lightbulb converts to a number and shows you exactly which ones are in the list.

That’s how Know It All works! I hope it saves you a ton of time and makes sure that you never miss out on a wonderful workshop again. Thanks!